Since 2010 this prize is awarded by the European Cultural Centre and named the ECC Award. The ECC will give this Award each year to an artist, architect, designer who is dedicated to his or her concept over a longer period of time and whereby this concept and the execution thereof is in our opinion of significant meaning. The ECC has also established an Award for Institutions which do their utmost best to promote the research and work acheived by their students.
The ECC Award has been previously given to:
2024 ECC Painting & Mixed Media Award: Chen Mei-Tsen (TWN)
2024 ECC Sculpture & Installation Award: Emily Young (GBR)
2024 ECC Photography Award: Sandra Cattaneo Adorno (BRA)
2024 ECC Video & Digital Art Award: Yao Jui-chung (TWN)
2024 ECC University & Research Projects Award: Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Art and Design (USA)
2023 ECC Architecture Award: Snøhetta (NOR)
2023 ECC Design Award: Light Cognitive (FIN)
2023 ECC University Project Award: Princeton University & SOM (USA)
2023 ECC Art Installation Award: Adam Rouse (USA)
2022 ECC Painting and Mixed Media Award: Galerie Myrtis (USA)
2022 ECC Sculpture and Installation Award: Jacques Jarrige (FRA)
2022 ECC Photography Award: Alissa Everett (KEN)
2022 ECC Video and Digital Art Award: Helen Kirwan (CYP)
2022 ECC Lifetime Achievement Award: Lawrence Weiner (USA)
2022 ECC University and Research Project Award: University of New Mexico together with Davidson College (USA)
2021 ECC-USA Architecture Award: Curtis Fentress (USA)
2021 ECC Design Innovation Award: Block Research Group (BRG) at ETH Zurich and Zaha Hadid Architects (CHE/UK)
2021 ECC Architecture Award: NANO Architecture | Interiors for Submerged Experience (USA)
2021 ECC University Project Award: Technical University of Darmstadt for "Building with paper" (DEU)
2021 ECC Art Installation Award: David Jacobson (UK)
2020 ECC-RUSSIA Architecture Award: Peter Kulka (DEU)
2019 ECC Art Award: Hermann Nitsch (AUT)
2019 ECC Art School Award: Willem de Kooning Academy (NL)
2019 ECC Design Award: Barrisol lamp mod. 1954 by Piero Castiglioni (ITA/
2018 ECC Architecture Award: Odile Decq (FRA)
2018 ECC Architecture Education Award: North Carolina State University College of Design (USA)
2018 ECC Design Award: Ying Gao (CAN)
2017 ECC Art Award: Joseph Kosuth (USA) for his life long dedication to create Meaning with contemporary art.
2017 ECC Design Award: Oki Sato, Studio Nendo (JPN) for his contribution to the world of Design.
2016 ECC Architecture Award: Denise Scott Brown (USA) for her life-long dedication to architecture
2016 ECC Design Award: Karim Rashid (Canada/USA) for his personal contribution to the world of Design
2015 ECC Art Award: " Yoko Ono (Japan) for her continuing efforts to promote "Imagine Peace"
2014 ECC Architecture Award: "The University of Houston, (USA): Gerald D. Hines College Of Architecture
2013 ECC Art Award: Arnulf Rainer (Austria) for his work series "Rainer - Klimt - Schiele"
2012 ECC Architecture Award: Arata Isozaki (Japan) for his Zhengdong New District Project
2011 ECC Art Award: Roman Opalka (France-Poland) for his life long depiction of "Time Passing"
2010 ECC Art Award: Sasaki (Japan) for his more than 15 years ongoing Heartbeat Project.
Shortlisted for the ECC Award have been:
2024 | ECC Painting & Mixed Media Award: Chen Mei-Tsen (TWN), Daniel Pešta (CZE), Faiza Butt (UK) |
2024 | ECC Sculpture & Installation Award: Areez Kakti (IND), Bibi Smit (NLD), Emily Young (GBR) |
2024 | ECC Photography Award: Elizabeth Heyert (USA), Sandra Cattaneo Adorno (BRA), Yiwei Gallery (CHI/USA) |
2024 | ECC Video & Digital Art Award: Chien-hua Huang (UK), Concept2048 (AND), Yao Jui-chung (TWN) |
2024 | ECC University & Research Projects Award: Joshibi University of Art and Design, USC Roski School of Art and Design, Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Art and Design (USA) |
2023 | ECC Architecture Award: Norman Foster Foundation (GBR) with Holcim (CHE); Gal Nauer Architects (ISR) |
2023 | ECC Design Award: Ian Callender (USA); Soledad Lowe Studio (ARG/SWE); BioMat (GER) |
2023 | ECC University Project Award: MIT Civic Data Design Lab (USA) |
2023 | ECC Art Installation Award: Pedro Friedeberg (ITA); Kara Lyons (GBR); Duyi Han (CHI) |
2022 | ECC Painting and Mixed Media Award: Donald Martiny (USA) represented by Madison Gallery and Ariela Wertheimer (ISR) |
2022 | ECC Sculpture and Installation Award: Albert Scopin (GER/USA) and Chandraguptha Thenuwara (LKA) |
2022 | ECC Photography Award: Sandra Cattaneo Adorno (USA) and Elizabeth Heyert (USA) |
2022 | ECC Video and Digital Art Award: Carrie Able (USA) and Superchief Gallery (USA) |
2022 | ECC University and Research Project Award: Reed College (USA) and the University of Applied Arts Vienna (AUT) |
2021 | ECC-USA Architecture Award: Paolino di Vece (MEX) and Johannes Baar-Baarenfels (AUT) |
2021 | ECC Design Innovation Award: bioDigital matter lab at Lund University (SWE) and LOVE architecture and urbanism (AUT) |
2021 | ECC Architecture Award: Henriquez Partners Architects (CA), Lucila Aguilar Arquitectos (MEX) and Mahl Gebhard Konzepte(GER) |
2021 | ECC University Project Award: Ponti?cia Universidad Católica del Perú & University College London (PER/UK), and Watershed Urbanism curated by Adrian Parr, Dean of Design at the University of Oregon and UNESCO Water Chair, in collaboration with University of Texas at Arlington (USA) |
2021 | ECC Art Installation Award: So?a Verzbolovskis (PAN) and Karen McCoy (USA) |
2020 | ECC-Russia Architecture Award: Johannes Baar-Baarenfels (AUT) and Ulrich Gehmann (DEU) |
2019 |
ECC Art Award: Nobuyoshi Araki (JAP), Valie Export (AUT), Lawrence Weiner (USA), Hermann Nitsch (AUT), Federico Uribe (COL), Lincoln Townley (USA) |
2019 | ECC Art School Award Deakin University (AU) - Salford University (UK) - Carnegie Mellon University (USA) - WdKA (NL) |
2019 |
ECC Design Award: Royal College of Arts, Design Products (GBR), Faina Collection (UKR), Suzanne Tick (USA), Dá Design Studio (NGA) |
2018 |
ECC Architecture Award: Peter Eisenman (USA), Odile Decq (FRA), Daniel Libeskind (POL/USA), Curt Fentress (USA), Moshe Safdie (CAN), Kengo Kuma (JPN), NikkeSekkei (JPN) |
2018 |
ECC Architecture Education Award: North Carolina State University College of Design (USA), University of Cincinnati (USA), SoA Syracuse University (USA), University of Arkansas - Fay Jones School of A&D (USA), University of NSW with Government Architect NSW, Tongji University (CHN), ENSA Strasbourg (FRA) |
2018 | ECC Design Award: Atelier Maximun (FRA), Naqsh Collective (JOR), Ying Gao (CAN), About A Worker (FRA), Coalesce Studio (PAK) |
2017 |
ECC Art Award: Nobuyoshi Araki (JPN), Daniel Buren (FRA), Marina Abramovic (SRB), Joseph Kosuth (USA), Hermann Nitsch (AUT), Mike Parr (AUS), Lawrence Weiner (USA) |
2017 |
ECC Design Award: Yi Chen & Muchen Zhang (CHN), Anton Hendrik Denys (BEL), Estúdio Ronald Sasson (BRA), Alessandro Ciffo (ITA) |
2016 |
ECC Architecture Award: Auckland University of Technology & University of Sydney (NZL-AUS), Peter Eisenman (USA), Denise Scott Brown (USA), ETH Zurich (CHE), GMP (GER), Curt Fentress (USA), Ideal Spaces Group (DEU-SWE) |
2016 |
ECC Design Award: Eckhard Beger (CHE), Paul Kelley (GBR), Satyendra Pakhale (IND), Karim Rashid (CAN-USA), Robert Wettstein (CHE) |
2015 |
ECC Art Award: Joseph Kosuth (USA), Francois Morellet (FRA), Lee Nam Lee (KOR), Yoko Ono (JPN), Gunther Uecker (DEU), herman de vries (NLD) |
2014 |
ECC Architecture Award: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (GBR), Ricardo Bofill (ESP), Norman Foster+Partners (GBR), The University of Houston, (USA), White arkitekter (SWE) |
Besides our own awards, we host exhibitions and presentations related to other awards, such as the Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) from the Mies van der Rohe Foundation.